Why do we bother writing human rights declarations and charters, when all we know is that our minorities will suffer in front of the whole world, and they will be ignored just because politics and oil stand above their needs and rights?
When the whole world celebrated christmas, Egyptian Christians were fixing their black ties, and recalling the best memories they had with their beloved, who were killed brutally on christmas eve, as they were attacked right after the mass.
Then, human rights activists, were celebrating , no time for those minorities!!!
Today, Egyptian Chritians are protesting as the government is trying to change the marriage laws within the church, as they tend to enforce divorce and the acceptance of divorces given to christians through civil courts. Such a law shows the level of respect the Egyptian government has for one of its major religiousgroups. His Holiness, Pope Shenouda the third, refused applying such a law, as the Coptic church has been committed to its laws eversince Christianity reached Egypt more than 1900 years ago. The pope was attacked by the government especially after he was given an 8-day notice to change his announcements. Otherwise, his authority will be jeopordized.
When are we going to stand up and say that we are all against applying civil laws to Religious institutions? When are we going to say our word ‘We refuse’?
When will human rights agencies reply to our alarms rather than snoozing them ?
When will human rights agencies reply to our alarms rather than snoozing them ?
(I might not have many sources and facts, but I do have eyes, and I can SEE) Roqayah Tbeileh
Such an amazing article,from such an amazing Journalist..
ReplyDeleteSuch an Amazing Friend, Such an amazing supporter.