I am grateful that what goes in politics goes under the table.
Unfortunately, humanity as well had been taken also under the table while it should always be above the table.
Unfortunately, humanity as well had been taken also under the table while it should always be above the table.
The tragedy of Gaza and the Gazan Women neither should pass under the table nor should be off the table. I can't express how much I hate that I don't have a table , yet having a pen, and fingers allows me to do What I am obliged to do and show the few people I can show, that the Gazan massacre is not over, the tragedy has just started. We fear from the storm what follows it, and we are now in "what follows".
Around five months ago, Gaza strip was attacked by the Israeli Forces that left nothing but demolished cities, and shattered bodies all around, waiting to be buried. Weeks ago, A Gazan woman appeared on a news channel explaining the misery she, along with her family, suffers each day. I was shocked to know that in such a century, when you can get a machine to serve you tea, there's a women who stays awake all night to protect her children from a snake that might attack at any time, since she lives in a tent in one of the recently established camps in Gaza. She lost her husband, and her house, definitely there are no jobs in Gaza. No water, No food, No security, if I keep on I will end up with a thousand No (s).even listening to this woman hurts. She's a mother! Any mother on earth would die to protect her child from Flu or some fever, and this woman is a mother, but she's not fighting Flu, she's fighting a snake. Nothing came to my mind except one question!! "What if the snake attacks? What will she do??" She will only be able to watch one of her sons following his father's path, she'll yell, shout, and beg for help, But one of my no (s) will appear, there is no gas for our ambulances. She called for the Arab leaders. I had no idea why was she blaming them! They are busy building huge malls to prove to the west that they, too, can have building and they aren't only Bedouins who use camels as a mean of transportation.
Where is our conscience??
Personally, guilt has been hunting me ever since the massacre. Those huge numbers made me lose faith in me, ever since I felt that I have to do something or write something each day.
I still laugh. I still cry. I am still sarcastic. I am still Roqayah. I'm just less of a Palestinian. And this is a thing I thought that would never change!!!!
Personally, guilt has been hunting me ever since the massacre. Those huge numbers made me lose faith in me, ever since I felt that I have to do something or write something each day.
I still laugh. I still cry. I am still sarcastic. I am still Roqayah. I'm just less of a Palestinian. And this is a thing I thought that would never change!!!!
Each time I read about Karbala story, And that massacre against Al- Hussein (a s), I say that I would have fought with him, stayed with the rest of the family, and refused to let swords reach him before reaching me…. Now I know that I would have become another criminal who put a golden shutter on their mouths, however this time I'm not getting any Gold.
Don't forget those women, for the sake of NOT having a day when we add a "No Future" to our list.