As I was searching and (youtubing), I found a quiet interesting video about Haredi Jews that are actually against the existance of the state of Israel. What surprised me more is that their not against Isarel just because of the violence and massacres committed against palestinians , yet also because it's actually a jewish state. Which, they claim, is against the Holy Torah teachings.
First, I'd like to introduce the Haredi Jewish group for those who have no background about them. The Haredi Judaism is the most conservative form of the Orthodox Judaism. The largest population of Haredim live in the state of Israel. They are often called "Black Hat Jews".
Although Haredim are conservative jews, a large group of them founded a movement in several countries including U.S.A and Iran against zionism in 1935. This group is called the Neturei Karta. This group has been siding with Arab and Muslims against Israeli forces, they moved around the globe to prove to the world that Israel is not a jewish state (as it proclaims) and does not represent any of teachings of the Torah. In fact, the leaders of this group tend to describe the founders of the Zionist idealogy as atheists who held judaism as a name not as a faith. Rabbi David Weiss rejects, on behalf of the group, the idea of founding a jewish state , even if it was peacefully without war, because the jewish teachings forbid taking judaism as a nationality not as a spiritual belief. As a matter of fact, the Netrei Karta even reject the name 'Israel' being given to a zionist state,as it is a jewish name for Jacob and represents Jews. This group hadn't just rejected, they also striked infront of many official sites and boycotted many zionist products. and these are some of the recent activites of this group.
In 2006, this group had striked in front of the U.N in order to stop the Israeli crimes in Lebanon. Some of these were actually siding with Hizbullah while many of the Arabs weren't.
On November 2007, Rabbies joined Palestinian protestors demonstrating against the zionist demolition of hames in Palestine.
On January 2008, Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews travelled to New Hampshire on the day of the presidential primary elections hoping to meet with each of the candidates to ask for their support of Palestine.
On March 2008, Orthodox Jews join other organizations in protest against the recent horrific atrocities in GAZA and to protest the "Friends of the Israeli Defense Force" dinner, in NYC.
On May 2008, several Anti-zionist Rabbies had a meeting with Sheikh Youssif Al-Qardawi ,discussing the urge to end the state of Israel, in Doha, Qatar.
These are some of the activities that this group has done ................. What have we done?
Roqayah Tbeileh
First, I'd like to introduce the Haredi Jewish group for those who have no background about them. The Haredi Judaism is the most conservative form of the Orthodox Judaism. The largest population of Haredim live in the state of Israel. They are often called "Black Hat Jews".
Although Haredim are conservative jews, a large group of them founded a movement in several countries including U.S.A and Iran against zionism in 1935. This group is called the Neturei Karta. This group has been siding with Arab and Muslims against Israeli forces, they moved around the globe to prove to the world that Israel is not a jewish state (as it proclaims) and does not represent any of teachings of the Torah. In fact, the leaders of this group tend to describe the founders of the Zionist idealogy as atheists who held judaism as a name not as a faith. Rabbi David Weiss rejects, on behalf of the group, the idea of founding a jewish state , even if it was peacefully without war, because the jewish teachings forbid taking judaism as a nationality not as a spiritual belief. As a matter of fact, the Netrei Karta even reject the name 'Israel' being given to a zionist state,as it is a jewish name for Jacob and represents Jews. This group hadn't just rejected, they also striked infront of many official sites and boycotted many zionist products. and these are some of the recent activites of this group.
In 2006, this group had striked in front of the U.N in order to stop the Israeli crimes in Lebanon. Some of these were actually siding with Hizbullah while many of the Arabs weren't.
On November 2007, Rabbies joined Palestinian protestors demonstrating against the zionist demolition of hames in Palestine.
On January 2008, Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews travelled to New Hampshire on the day of the presidential primary elections hoping to meet with each of the candidates to ask for their support of Palestine.
On March 2008, Orthodox Jews join other organizations in protest against the recent horrific atrocities in GAZA and to protest the "Friends of the Israeli Defense Force" dinner, in NYC.
On May 2008, several Anti-zionist Rabbies had a meeting with Sheikh Youssif Al-Qardawi ,discussing the urge to end the state of Israel, in Doha, Qatar.
These are some of the activities that this group has done ................. What have we done?
Roqayah Tbeileh
I love these brave Rabbis! I just wish our puppet (controlled) American media gave them some coverage so more people here in the States could learn the Truth!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to add that Ron Paul, who I campaigned for and supported as our next president, was truly for non-intervention and would have pulled the billions of dollars in aid the US bleeds every year to the greedy government of Israel. Unfortunately, our new president Barak Obama, even with his Muslim name, will surely be seduced by the powerful Israel lobby as he is a self-serving liar. (He has already broken three promises he has made to the American people as a Senator!) Ron Paul was the only presidential candidate who was acting and speaking according to what he knows is right. He would say that the US has no business in Iraq, Afghanistan or in occupying any country but our own! This is really common sense, yet most people let the irrational fear of Islam and "terrorists" blind them.
Of course, those who see the obvious footage of the twin towers being demolished by explosives (not airplanes!) know that the "attack" on 9/11 was a hoax and committed by Zionists for their own bloody ends. They wanted the American people to be afraid and to accept war as well as having their precious freedoms taken aways from them for a false sense of "security". (Please see youtube for more on this, especially bits by Alex Jones). I try to wake people up as much as I can every day. Please do the same, brothers and sisters.
I hope to meet you in peace and love through my music this March as I tour parts of the Mid East (Cairo, Dubai and Amman-Jordan)
Dear Juliet,
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, i am more than pleased to read your comment.
I, by some sense, was supporting Obama against John Mc. however, I do not admire or appreciate him, even if he was muslim (not just holding a muslim name). The american president was never the one who's in charge, there are lobies and inner organizations that play this role.At least, closing Guantanamo makes me more than grateful, not just because the prisoners are 100% to my information are muslims, but bacause it was shameful to me as a person and a voice in this world to shut my mouth from the justice and act blind. I think that the Israeli-Arab conflict will not be resolved soon, it's so complicated, all what we can do is get support against the israeli army. And this is what i'm trying to do, not gaining sympathy, just showing the truth.
I'd love to meet you so much, however i won't be in the middle-east, I'll be in a summer session in rome, italy. I hope the best luck in your tour.:D